My apologies for missing the 11th: my internet connection went bust as I was finishing this post. We just came back live, yay! Now without further adieu, on with the show.
This being my first post proper at seasonal_spuffy: HAPPY TENTH ANNIVERSARY! Thank you to the mods and members for all the work they do to keep this alive and especial thanks this past month to teragramm for all her advice and support and to rebcake for still being one of the nicest people I know in fandom.
First off, some poster art for shapinglight ‘s “Casablanca” from Round 18; I’ve wanted to make artwork for it since I read it last May and this round provided the perfect motivation and excuse. As usual for me there are alts: in this case, four poster styles, plus accompanying icons. I’ve tried to be faithful to the spirit if not the letter of shapinglight‘s wonderful, mournful, elegant and strangely hopeful tale. I hope she approves. She is welcome to use any and all she likes.*
All images work-safe.
#A – C Size: 1529 x 1260 each

Size: 1202 x 991 Size: 1417 x 1163
D) E)
Size: 1202 x 991 each

WIth these banners I wanted to hint at the plot twist that happens early on without giving the game away to anyone who hasn’t read it; to make her seem a bit “off” withouth specifying why. There were certain specifics of appearance in the text: Buffy has short hair and heavy goth eyeliner; Spike’s hair is brown and shorn close to the scalp, and his duster is nowhere in evidence. I found photos of James with close-cropped hair but didn’t like any of them well enough for this project so I fudged it.
E was the first banner I worked on, using an image of Sarah from Stone Temple Pilot’s “Sour Girl” video; and the image of James is from – Torchwood? I have no idea, but I know he’s wearing an old fashioned military-style jacket (perhaps Russian?) with tons of gold braid and froggings that I had to hide. It establishes the setting of a barroom but the characters don’t connect in any way in the image and the story is all about Buffy and Spike reconnecting after a long absence.
*FYI – Of course I have textless versions of all of these, should anyone wish to have one that didn’t claim for use on another story or want to have personalized as a banner. So please check with both of us first.
A plethora of icons to accompany these banners. All snaggable. I was all set to post my artwork when I realized, to my horror, that I had promised Rebcake poppies in remembrance of Veterans Day “in Flanders’ fields….”. (Well, not promised so much as strongly implied.) Back to the drawing board for a quick trip. Rebcake wanted poppies and poppies she shall have; and in any case the flower (traditional symbol of death) suits “Casablanca” thematically, as well as being one of my personal favorites.
Warning: All images work-safe, but this set is Buffy-heavy. Also, when I said a plethora of alts I wasn’t kidding. If either condition bothers you please feel free to pass on by.
1 – 6
7 – 13
14 – 19
20 – 26
27 – 32
33 – 39
40 – 45
All icons snaggable; feedback is gold and always appreciated