Fic (sort of): Wish You Were Here (3/7) by Quinara

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series Wish You Were Here

OK, so I don’t know why I thought I had patience. Apologies for the spamming.

Title: Wish You Were Here (3/7)
Author: Quinara
Rating: Reasonably high PG-13?
Summary: In Buffy’s apartment there is a spare and somewhat dusty room. In that room there is an old and somewhat dusty bureau, that no one remembers buying. In that bureau there is an ugly and somewhat dusty diary for 1997, that no one remembers buying, which no one really thinks about because it isn’t all that important anyway. This diary doesn’t close properly.

Seville II

Previous: Seville I


 Seville III


Originally posted at

Series Navigation<< Fic (sort of): Wish You Were Here (2/7) by QuinaraFic (sort of): Wish You Were Here (4/7) by Quinara >>
