A Limerick!

Today is my posting day, and I must thank  enigmaticblues for all her hard work in organising this.

I have 2 items to post this time, later I will be posting a one-shot fic, but at this time I am bringing you a poem.

This season of seasonal_spuffy  has a poetry theme. So, my first offering for today is a limerick that I wrote this morning… It is un-beta’d, and my first ever attempt, but I’m going to post it anyway!!

There’s a really great group called Seasonal Spuffy
That’s all about the Slayer called Buffy.
When she ends up with Spike,
Who’s the Vampire we like,
We really do feel warm and fluffy.


Originally psoted at http://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/320149.html

