30 Icons and 6 Banners- Dark Carnival Themed

Title: 30 Dark Carnival Icons and 6 Dark Carnival Banners

Creator: Fancyflautist

Hi everyone! I’ve been planning the fic I had decided to write for this round since March… and then never finished it, heh. So, for now, have some icons and banners! If you want to claim a banner just let me know a fic name and author name and I’ll get it personalized for you. I can also resize if needed.

Dark Carnival Spuffy Banners







Dark Carnival Spuffy Icons
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25
26 27 28 29 30

Icon table generated by Chlor’s Dreamwidth Icon Table Generator.

Special thanks to smg.net for lots of screencap options and Eugene Rozin for the beautiful 3d art used in one banner and a couple icons, as well as for the PSD coloring used in banners 3, 4 & 5.

The rest of my assests can be found with a google search- if you’re looking for something particular and can’t find it try going into search tools and checking “noncomm reuse w/ modification” because I try to find things with CC liscenses if possible. If you’re having trouble go ahead and give me a shout and I’ll help however I can!
