Twelve Spuffy Icons

Going back in time, from Season Seven to Season Two…

170336_100 167632_100 168016_100
01 02 03
167399_100 168244_100 168674_100
04 05 06
168814_100 169440_100 168991_100
07 08 09
170219_100 169604_100 169772_100
10 11 12


1. It has a caption, yes.
4. – 6. Snippets of text from Edgar Allen Poe’s The Sleeper
10. I don’t know what came over me…
11. This is what happens when you listen to Pink Floyd when making icons.

I had planned to write a drabble, but I fear I exhausted my weekly quota of words with this.

ETA: All are snaggable, of course! Just comment & credit, please. Cheers!


Originally posted at

