Ford comes to town and the Specter gets jealous.
NC-17 for language.
Chapter 4
NOTES: I have 11 chapters of a WIP. I hope everybody enjoys it.
TITLE: The Secret Slayer
AUTHOR: maryperk73703
RATING: NC-17 for language at this point
BANNER: by kargrif
BETA: Tasha
SUMMARY: Something unexpected happens to Buffy on her first night in Sunnydale. Something that causes her to change her name and hide from the people that were to be her friends. What happens when a certain peroxide blond vampire rolls into town?
…both my domains are down. What’s up with that? Grrr. I’m going to ask permission from to post my art tomorrow when it’s all straightened out. I honestly don’t know what happened.
But… not to be defeated… I’ll post fic instead. Drabbles first.
Title: Just As She Asked
Author: Sandy S.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. All belongs to Joss.
Rating: PG-15…
Summary: Set in alternate season 6 of BtVS. Spike will do whatever Buffy asks.