
Title: Unconditional
Author: violettapirateq
Era/season/setting: Late season 6, in place of Entropy
Rating: G

I can’t write concisley, is what I’ve discovered, and this ended up being longer than I intended. As such, I present it here in all its cumbersome, unpolished, typo-ridden glory, but it is FINISHED, which I am very happy about! It will be much prettier when I post it elsewhere, I promise. Thank you for reading!

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Did You Ever Know – Chapter 2

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Did You Ever Know

Title: Did You Ever Know
Author: violettapirateq
Era/season/setting: Season 4, post-Something Blue
Rating: PG

The torches on the walls continued as Buffy entered the first cavernous room. They only cast a dim glow, but they were bright enough for Buffy to see a door at the other end of the room with something that looked like a scoreboard above it. One of those really old school ones that baseball stadiums used to have in like the 50s… or whatever time period hadn’t had electricity yet.

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Did You Ever Know – Chapter 1

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Did You Ever Know

Title: Did You Ever Know
Author: violettapirateq
Era/season/setting: Season 4, post-Something Blue
Rating: PG

Does anyone know how and when Spike and the Scoobies actually find out that the Initiative gave Spike a chip? In “Something Blue” he’s still calling it a spell, and I don’t recall a scene where Riley sits down with him and explains everything. With that in mind, writing a story and NOT referring to it as chip was difficult, let me tell you.

Thanks to everyone who said they were excited to see this, that made me happy!! Like my other entry this is pretty fluffy, somewhat angsty, but also just a quick little Spuffy adventure that probably shouldn’t be taken all that seriously. Thanks for reading!

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The Vampire’s Gambit

I really like challanges and prompts, so if there’s a specific theme for something, I want to run all the way with it. Unfortunately the initial “Truth or Dare” story I came up with ended up being…several chapters long, and sorta on the very unfinished side, and so I went with this completely different (obnoxiously fluffy) one-shot instead. But I do still want to post my first thing, so, be ready for me to clog the feed around the free-for-all days!

Title: The Vampire’s Gambit
Author/creator: violettapirateq
Era/season/setting: Mid-Season 6 (Wrecked, specifically)
Rating: PGThe book Spike reads from is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. :P

Thanks for reading! Super excited to do this for the first time!

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