50+ random Spuffy icons;
creator: vampkiss
Two Spuffy wallpapers to share in various sizes. Preview and links under the cut tag;
Happy Valentine’s Day! Icons and Wallpapers
Two brand new Spuffy wallpapers to share and 10 Spuffy icons made from my older artwork (except for a few).
1. 2.
Mood Theme

Directions on how to install can be found in the zip file.
Hope everyone likes! Thanks for letting me be a part of this awesome community. :)
Originally posted at http://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/130464.html
Six Livejournal banners. Various sizes. Click on the thumb for full image. :)
I tried out different styles for these. Hope you like!
*waves* Hey all! Since it’s 12:30 a.m. my time, I’m considering it ok for me to post my offerings! (got that pesky thing called work in the morning!) Anyways, first up, 25 Spuffy Icons!
Fic: A Time to Fight
My last offering in which I answer the siren call of the fluff (as best I’m able)
Title: A Time to Fight
Author: bearfacedcheek
Feedback: Couldn’t hurt could it?
Big thanks to my April for all the work she does in proofing my fic, she can’t know how much I appreciate it.
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30 Icons
*waves* Hi all! Very honored to be part of this community. Loving all the fics and graphics! Here’s my first offering; 3 lj header/banners under the cut. Kinda big, so maybe not dial up friendly. Continue Reading