Title: Action Figures and Fashion Dolls
Author: thedeadlyhook
Rating: Probably NC-17 overall. Mild to start.
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer characters not mine; no infringement intended, and no profit is being made here.
Summary: Oops, I did it again – it’s another WIP.
I’m finally delivering on my long-promised fourth-story sequel to my big trilogy: Dirty Back Road, Does It Have to Mean Something?, and The Center. (Also in my memories, here, here, and here.)
This one picks up directly after “The Center.” There’s a fair amount of backstory, but the vital points are that Spike and Buffy are now living in London, and they’re really going to try to make a go of their relationship this time… but can a retired Vampire Slayer and a Vampire with a Soul who’s a working Champion live together without driving each other crazy? And how will everyone else in their lives react–the Slayers, the vampires, the friends and enemies, and friends of enemies–to an alliance so forbidden? Oh, and did I mention there will eventually be TIME TRAVEL? Buffy/Spike, Buffy/William (sort of), adventures with Angel (oh, get your minds out of the gutter–this is a Spuffy story!) and just about everything else I can manage to cram in. Alternating Buffy and Spike POV.
No, I’m not at all ambitious, why do you ask? ; )
One chapter for now; I won’t be able to get back to it today, so I’ll be continuing the rest on my journal.