Fic: Not Exactly Once Upon a Time – PG

Title: Not Exactly Once Upon a Time
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Joss yadda yadda.
Timeline: Sometime in the future. Buffy, Spike, together. You know.
Pairings/Characters: Spike/Buffy. Cuz that’s kinda the point. And also, Willow and Xander. Cuz there would be little togetherness if not for good friends. Trust me.
Summary: Sometimes a vampire is just a guy, a slayer is just a girl, and they’re both just a little dense.
A/N: Many thanks to justmalea and redeem147 for beta duties. They both saved me from grammar errors and evil typos. Also, to appomattoxco and gables for encouragement and feedback.

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Stupid Vampire (I love you too)

Title: Stupid Vampire (I love you too)
Author: shaddyr
Rating: PG. Some bad words.
Summary: People who date sometimes bicker.
Timeline: Sometime in the future when Spike and Buffy are together.
A/N: Just a snippet of night on patrol. No real plot. No beta either – am currently out in the wilds of Saskatchewan with my sick mom and limited computer access, so ya gets whut ya gets. I hope that it is at least mildly amusing.

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