Title: Something Special
Story Artist: Eyesthatslay
Author: Sandy S.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: We own nothing. Joss owns all.
Summary: Buffy sets out to help Spike feel like he means something to her for their anniversary. Set in an AU universe after season 5 of AtS.
Word Count: 7773 (not including this voluminous intro)
Pictures: 6
Author’s Dedication: For eyesthatslay and musing_mia for always being so kind to me and for zarrah04, _sin_attract, inxsomniax, aimeedee, jenniepennie, velvetwhip, amoonchilde, and ghostgirl13 just because. Special thanks to eyesthatslay for coming up the magnificent title and for so beautifully illustrating the story. Collaborating with you has been an amazing, unique, and fun experience!
Artist’s Dedication: For sandy_s, truly one of the kindest people I know, and a friend I will always treasure. For Natalie, my sister by choice. I’m so grateful for you. For amoonchilde and musing_mia, my two earliest fandom friends, that I’ve been blessed to call real life friends for many years now. And for my wonderful Mom, who is more amazing than I can say.
Author’s Note: This project was created for the LJ community, Seasonal Spuffy, for the theme As Time Goes By. It’s also the 20th anniversary of BtVS, so an anniversary tale…. :o) Thank you to eyesthatslay, petzipellepingo, rebcake, tx_cronopio, gillo, kazzy_cee, trepkos, fangfaceandrea, facingthesun, shapinglight, amoonchilde, and slaymesoftly who helped me with little details, such as what Giles might drink after dinner, little Spuffy moments, and location ideas. While I didn’t use all of them here, I appreciate the discussion… made the fic writing more fun and interactive and made my little corner of fandom feel warm and cozy again… like coming home.
creator: sandy_s
Regarding Grief (2/2)
After Spike’s Death
I’m not sure when I noticed that Buffy didn’t share her painful feelings with the people in her life.
Regarding Grief (1/2)
Title: Regarding Grief
Author: Sandy S.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing. All belongs to Joss.
Summary: Dawn is grieving… first Buffy and then Spike, and they are grieving for each other. Dawn POV.
Word Count: 7710 total for part 1 and 2, not counting quotes or notes.
Author’s Note: Written for the LJ community, Seasonal Spuffy, for the As Time Goes By theme. Beautiful banner by eyesthatslay. This story is tied to our collaboration, which I will post this evening, but it is by no means necessary to read both fics. This is unbetaed, so apologies for typos; I did read it over numerous times.
Dedication: For Mahwish, who was beautiful inside and out, and won’t ever be forgotten. For Father Patillo, who was the kindest, funniest, and most down to earth priest and person.
As Time Goes By (1/1)
Title: As Time Goes By
Author: Sandy S.
Rating: PG
Summary: As time goes by, Spike and Buffy find their way back to each other. Set post-Chosen and then post-Not Fade Away in an alternate, non-comic-book-related universe.
Word Count: 1352
Author’s Note: I wanted to do something for Seasonal Spuffy with the song, and this was all that would come out. This is a bit of a rough one and unbetaed, so hope you like it.
Filling in for megan_peta today, so this one’s for you, dear! *hugs* :o)
Special thank you to all the people who run the community, too!
Fic: Setting Up House (22/22)
Title: Setting Up House (Epilogue the Second-22/22)
Medium: Fanfiction
Creator: sandy_s
Rating: R
Setting: Season 6, AU after “Gone”
Word Count (this part): 5520
Summary: What if the second social worker actually paid a visit to Buffy and Dawn after the incident in “Gone,” and Dawn and Spike convinced Buffy to set up house with Spike? (Eventually, it’s a bit of a crossover fic with AtS.)
Fic: Setting Up House (21/22)
Title: Setting Up House (Epilogue the First-21/22)
Medium: Fanfiction
Creator: sandy_s
Rating: R
Setting: Season 6, AU after “Gone”
Word Count (this part): 4671
Summary: What if the second social worker actually paid a visit to Buffy and Dawn after the incident in “Gone,” and Dawn and Spike convinced Buffy to set up house with Spike? (Eventually, it’s a bit of a crossover fic with AtS.)
Fic: Setting Up House (20/22)
Title: Setting Up House (20/22)
Medium: Fanfiction
Creator: sandy_s
Rating: R
Setting: Season 6, AU after “Gone”
Word Count (this part): 6099
Summary: What if the second social worker actually paid a visit to Buffy and Dawn after the incident in “Gone,” and Dawn and Spike convinced Buffy to set up house with Spike? (Eventually, it’s a bit of a crossover fic with AtS.)
Fic: Setting Up House (19/22)
Title: Setting Up House (19/22)
Medium: Fanfiction
Creator: sandy_s
Rating: R
Setting: Season 6, AU after “Gone”
Word Count (this part): 3815
Summary: What if the second social worker actually paid a visit to Buffy and Dawn after the incident in “Gone,” and Dawn and Spike convinced Buffy to set up house with Spike? (Eventually, it’s a bit of a crossover fic with AtS.)
Fic: An Uncomplicated Christmas (4/4)
Author: Sandy S.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Joss Whedon owns all.
Rating: R
Spoilers: Set post “Not Fade Away” and not comic book related. I’ve only read season 9 and two volumes of season 10. (I skipped season 8.)
Summary: Sent on a mission to find yet another slayer, Buffy is stuck in Colorado, it’s Christmas, and it’s snowing. Buffy POV.
A/N: Written especially for velvetwhip, zarrah04, inxsomniax, and my brother, John, with special thanks to facingthesun for help with the Christmas song at the end of the fic.
Huge thank you to velvetwhip for the beta read! You’re amazing, dear!
Fic: An Uncomplicated Christmas (3/4)
Author: Sandy S.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Joss Whedon owns all.
Rating: R
Spoilers: Set post “Not Fade Away” and not comic book related. I’ve only read season 9 and two volumes of season 10. (I skipped season 8.)
Summary: Sent on a mission to find yet another slayer, Buffy is stuck in Colorado, it’s Christmas, and it’s snowing. Buffy POV.
A/N: Written especially for velvetwhip, zarrah04, inxsomniax, and my brother, John, with special thanks to facingthesun for help with the Christmas song at the end of the fic.
Huge thank you to velvetwhip for the beta read! You’re amazing, dear!
Fic: An Uncomplicated Christmas (2/4)
Author: Sandy S.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Joss Whedon owns all.
Rating: R
Spoilers: Set post “Not Fade Away” and not comic book related. I’ve only read season 9 and two volumes of season 10. (I skipped season 8.)
Summary: Sent on a mission to find yet another slayer, Buffy is stuck in Colorado, it’s Christmas, and it’s snowing. Buffy POV.
A/N: Written especially for velvetwhip, zarrah04, inxsomniax, and my brother, John, with special thanks to facingthesun for help with the Christmas song at the end of the fic.
Huge thank you to velvetwhip for the beta read! You’re amazing, dear!
Fic: An Uncomplicated Christmas (1/4)
Title: An Uncomplicated Christmas
Author: Sandy S.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Joss Whedon owns all.
Rating: R
Spoilers: Set post “Not Fade Away” and not comic book related. I’ve only read season 9 and two volumes of season 10. (I skipped season 8.)
Summary: Sent on a mission to find yet another slayer, Buffy is stuck in Colorado, it’s Christmas, and it’s snowing. Buffy POV.
Word Count: 14,276 words for the whole short series…it’s finished and will all be posted today…
A/N: Written especially for velvetwhip, zarrah04, inxsomniax, and my brother, John, with special thanks to facingthesun for help with the Christmas song at the end of the fic.
Huge thank you to velvetwhip for the beta read! You’re amazing, dear!
Fic: Finding Spike (4/4)
Title: Finding Spike
Author: Sandy S.
Form: Fanfiction
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing. All belongs to Joss.
Summary: Set in season five of AtS. What if Buffy met up with Spike after “The Girl in Question”? Part Buffy POV, mostly Spike 3rd person…
Word Count: ~10,000 words (total for all four parts)
Dedication: For the wonderful __tiana__! :o)
Author’s Note: Finally, after 10 years, I finished this fic… :o) Perfect timing since it’s the 10th anniversary of seasonal_spuffy! Happy Anniversary!
I’m so excited about posting day that I’m up at 4:30 AM…lol. I have lots more fiction to post…
Special thanks to cordykitten for saving many of my old Spike/Buffy icons! This post is dedicated to her… And you can go here to find all the ones she saved…please forgive the quality of the older ones.
I used a lot of screencaps from Blood Queen and brushes by inxsomniax. Thank you to fangfaceandrea for letting me use the comic book images you posted on your LJ.
Season 4:
1 2
Fic: Setting Up House (18/22)
Title: Setting Up House (18/22)
Medium: Fanfiction
Creator: sandy_s
Rating: R
Setting: Season 6, AU after “Gone”
Word Count (this part): 3513
Summary: What if the second social worker actually paid a visit to Buffy and Dawn after the incident in “Gone,” and Dawn and Spike convinced Buffy to set up house with Spike? (Eventually, it’s a bit of a crossover fic with AtS.)
Fic: Setting Up House (17/22)
Title: Setting Up House (17/22)
Medium: Fanfiction
Creator: sandy_s
Rating: R
Setting: Season 6, AU after “Gone”
Word Count (this part): 3206
Summary: What if the second social worker actually paid a visit to Buffy and Dawn after the incident in “Gone,” and Dawn and Spike convinced Buffy to set up house with Spike? (Eventually, it’s a bit of a crossover fic with AtS.)
Fic: Setting Up House (16/22)
Title: Setting Up House (16/22)
Medium: Fanfiction
Creator: sandy_s
Rating: R
Setting: Season 6, AU after “Gone”
Word Count (this part): 3693
Summary: What if the second social worker actually paid a visit to Buffy and Dawn after the incident in “Gone,” and Dawn and Spike convinced Buffy to set up house with Spike? (Eventually, it’s a bit of a crossover fic with AtS.)
Finding Spike, Part 3 of 4
Finding Spike, Part 2
Title: Finding Spike
Author: Sandy S.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing. All belongs to Joss.
Summary: Set in season five of AtS. What if Buffy met up with Spike after “The Girl in Question”?
Dedication: For dear –tiana–! Happy birthday, sweetie!
Thanks to the wonderful sharelle and myfeetshowit for reading over part 2 and making suggestions! :o)