Fic: Driving Till Dawn (1/1)

Title: Driving Till Dawn
Author: PrettyPoppy
Era/season/setting: Season 6, between “All the Way” and “Once More, With Feeling”
Rating: G
Summary: When Dawn goes missing, Spike and Buffy take a road trip to find her.
Author’s Notes:  This is not the spuffiest of Spuffy fics I’ve ever written, but I think there’s enough spuffiness in there to count.  Dawn kind of got in the way a little, but then, doesn’t she always?

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Fic: Dancing at la Bibliothèque (1/1)

Happy 10th Anniversary, Seasonal Spuffy!!! And a very sincere thank you to everyone who keeps this community going!

I have one entry for today. Please, enjoy!

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Title: Dancing at la Bibliothèque

Author: PrettyPoppy

Summary: In yet another desperate attempt to pay the bills, Buffy gets a job at the Sunnydale Public Library. When Spike shows up with a stolen library card, expecting to be serviced, Buffy tries to turn him away, but Spike won’t take no for an answer. Season 6. Set between “Gone” and “Doublemeat Palace.”

Rating: R

Author’s Notes: I very much wanted to write something for the theme this round, but the story I intended to write would have been multi-chaptered and I knew I wouldn’t have time to finish it. Instead, I decided to finish a little ficlet that I started over ten years ago. It’s nice to finally be able to share it.

Disclaimer: Nope. I don’t own Spike or Buffy. Everything belongs to Joss, Mutant Enemy, and whoever else has a legal right to it.

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Fic: Goldilocks (1/1)

I have one offering for today. Please enjoy!


Title: Goldilocks

Author: PrettyPoppy

Summary: Three days before Halloween, Spike makes a rather interesting request. Season 6. Set between “Life Serial” and “All the Way.”

Rated: NC-17, just to be on the safe side

Author’s Notes: Although I usually try to write for the theme, this time around I was drawing a complete blank. So, in honor of Halloween, I thought I’d write a holiday fic instead. But, of course, somewhere along the way, I think my holiday fic started to reflect the theme, “love is a temporary madness,” so it all worked out in the end. Many thanks to ladyofthelog and snickfic for keeping this wonderful community going. This fic is dedicated, with much love and appreciation, to The Pimp, for giving me yet one more reason to love Halloween.

Disclaimer: Nope. I don’t own Spike or Buffy. Everything belongs to Joss, Mutant Enemy, and whoever else has a legal right to it.

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Fic: Just Like Heaven (1/1)

Just one post from me today. Please enjoy! ^_^

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Title: Just Like Heaven

Author: PrettyPoppy

Summary: Lying in the warmth of Spike’s arms for the very first time, Buffy is moved to reveal a long-held secret. Set during “Touched.”

Rated: G

Author’s Notes: My sincere thanks to enigmaticblues for keeping this community going. If it wasn’t for Seasonal Spuffy, I probably wouldn’t get any writing done.

Disclaimer: Nope. I don’t own Spike or Buffy. Everything belongs to Joss, Mutant Enemy, and whoever else has a legal right to it.

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Fic: The Distance Between Us (11/11)

This entry is part 11 of 11 in the series The Distance Between Us

Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R  Continue Reading

Fic: The Distance Between Us (10/11)

This entry is part 10 of 11 in the series The Distance Between Us

Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R  Continue Reading

Fic: The Distance Between Us (9/11)

This entry is part 9 of 11 in the series The Distance Between Us

Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R  Continue Reading

Fic: The Distance Between Us (8/11)

This entry is part 8 of 11 in the series The Distance Between Us

Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R

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Fic: The Distance Between Us (7/11)

This entry is part 7 of 11 in the series The Distance Between Us

Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R

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Fic: The Distance Between Us (6/11)

This entry is part 6 of 11 in the series The Distance Between Us

Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R

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Fic: The Distance Between Us (5/11)

This entry is part 5 of 11 in the series The Distance Between Us

Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R

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Fic: The Distance Between Us (4/11)

This entry is part 4 of 11 in the series The Distance Between Us

Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R

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Fic: The Distance Between Us (3/11)

This entry is part 3 of 11 in the series The Distance Between Us

Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R

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Fic: The Distance Between Us (2/11)

This entry is part 2 of 11 in the series The Distance Between Us

Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R

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Fic: The Distance Between Us (1/11)

This entry is part 1 of 11 in the series The Distance Between Us

Title: The Distance Between Us

Author: PrettyPoppy

Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.

Rated: R

Author’s Notes: In this fic, Spike leaves Sunnydale sometime between “As You Were” and “Entropy,” so it doesn’t follow canon after the middle of Season 6. I’m loathe to label this baby fic, but I suppose it technically is, even though the baby in this case is 18-years-old. This is the first chaptered fanfic I’ve written in more than six years. (And I’m still a little bit in shock.) Many thanks to the wonderful enigmaticblues  for all her hard work in putting this round together.

Disclaimer: Nope. I don’t own Spike or Buffy. Everything belongs to Joss, Mutant Enemy, and whoever else has a legal right to it.

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Ficlet: Four Sonnets

This is my second and final offering for the day. My first fic, Elegy, was more than a little depressing, so I thought I’d try writing something else; something where Buffy and Spike actually get to interact with each other.

Many thanks to enigmaticblues for all her hard work in organizing this round. Until two days ago, I hadn’t completed a new Spuffy fic in about five years. So many, many thanks. ^_^

Title: Four Sonnets

Summary: Spike and Buffy confront their issues through a selection of Shakespeare sonnets. Post “Storyteller”

Rated: G

Author’s Notes: The sonnets used are 65, 129, 145 and 35, respectively.  Continue Reading

Ficlet: Elegy

Title: Elegy

Summary: On a quiet, moonlit night, Spike and the Scoobies bury their beloved Slayer. Post “The Gift” Rated: G

Author’s Notes: Although the Scoobies are involved here, this is really a fic about Spike’s feelings for Buffy and how he copes with laying her to rest. The poetry is excerpted from “The Daydream” by Tennyson, published in 1842. If anyone knows their Victorian poetry, it’s Spike.

Disclaimer: Nope. I don’t own Buffy, Spike, or any of the other characters in this story. Everything belongs to Joss, Mutant Enemy, and whoever else has a legal right to it.  Continue Reading