A/N: Some dialogue borrowed, and in some cases twisted, from “Gone” by David Fury and “Doublemeat Palace” by Jane Espenson
Chapter 4, Returned
A/N: Some dialogue borrowed, and in some cases twisted, from “Gone” by David Fury and “Doublemeat Palace” by Jane Espenson
Chapter 4, Returned
A/N: Some dialogue taken or modified from the script of “Wrecked” by Marti Noxon
Chapter 3, Restored
A/N: Some dialogue taken from, or twisted to my purposes from, “Smashed” written by Drew Z. Greenberg
Chapter 2, Repaired
Title: Hero’s Reward
Rating: mostly PG13 with a few violent scenes that might get an R but doubtful
Setting: Begins post AtS “Not Fade Away” and rapidly goes to S6.
Summary: Given a chance to do things differently a hero finds that putting another first and ignoring his own desires can lead to his rewards beyond his hopes.
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters, only the plot idea. All rights belong to Joss Whedon, ME, FOX, WB and company.
Prologue, In The Mist
Chapter 22
A/N: Some dialogue taken from “New Moon Rising” (s4) by Marti Noxon and “First Date (s7) by Jane Espenson altered slightly for my purposes.
Chapter 14
Chapter 13
Chapter 11