Title: Three Times A Christmas Tree
Author: kelpyfinners (kwritten )
Words: 1,065
Rating: PG
Summary: A snippet of three Christmas trees
Disclaimer: The PTB own everything
Author’s Note: I am SO SORRY I am posting so late! I got my wires crossed on when my day was o_O … Hope you enjoy!
creator: kelpyfinners
Fic: Late Nights and Early Mornings
Author: kelpyfinners
Title: Late Nights and Early Mornings
Rating and warnings: PG
Word count: 914
Medium: Fic
Setting: Phantom Dennis’ apartment
Pairing: Spuffy; Dawn
Summary: Buffy comes to visit; Spuffy from Dawn’s perspective (wanted to think about how Spuffy would look to someone from Outside)
Author’s Note: Somewhat set in my personal AU (post-NFA) (purely by some weird pre-set default in my brain) in which Spike is with Dawn in LA and Buffy is (usually) … elsewhere. Lyrics from James Marsters’ “Smile” (www.youtube.com/watch)