Title: Karaoke, Kittens, and Christmas
Author: EllieRose101
Season: Post Series BtVS / Angel Season 5
Rating: PG
Story Bio.: Spike has some crazy seasonal adventures
Author Note: Originally written as a Secret Santa present for Tumblr, last year, I have reworked this story to give it an extra-special Spuffy ending.
Really, I should be working on my NaNoWriMo novel, but I wanted to post a treat for the free-for-all day, in light of just winning a few categories over at the Sunnydale Memorial Fanfic awards. Enjoy!
creator: ellierose101
Secret Santa (Fanfic)
Title: Secret Santa
Author: EllieRose101
Season: Four
Rating: PG
Story Bio.: The Scooby Gang decide to do ‘Secret Santa’ one year, but there’s an odd number of people, so they are forced to include Spike. What wonders will unfold when he gets allocated the Slayer to please this holiday season?
Author Note: This is my first time taking part in Seasonal Spuffy, so I hope I’m doing it right. At least with the tags and things. I’m not really going with the theme, though I’m sure someone’s probably done this idea somewhere before. (Not being very used to the site, I haven’t found a way to navigate the archive very well, other than by date, so please forgive me if this is too similar, or doesn’t fit at all or whatever.)
Anyway, here goes nothing…