Title Happy Returns
Author Brutti ma buoni
Rating PG13
Pairing Spike/Buffy
Setting 507 days after Chosen. Give or take an hour.
Words 5200
A/N: There’s a loose backstory to this in which an AU post-Sunnydale Slayer Council set up somewhere in New York City, and Angel’s gang did join W&H but without the Black Thorn climactic fight. Largely unexplored here. Go with it?
creator: brutti_ma_buoni
Settling (PG13)
Happy Ten Years to you, happy Ten Years to you, happy Ten Years dearseasonalspuffy, happy Ten Years to yooouuuuu. Bless you, everyone who keeps this ship alive and this comm afloat. You’re marvellous, dammit.
Author Brutti_ma_buoni
Title Settling
Rating PG13
Words 5400
Setting post-series
Warnings this story deals with home birth, considering adoption, found families, and duelling to the death. Not enormously graphic on the first and last.
Inspired by This is a sequel to my last Seasonal Spuffy story So Rudely Interrupted – not really what I intended for the theme but then I got all inspired. You should be able to read this without refreshing the first one, but they probably go better together (and neither is all that long!).
So Rudely Interrupted (Spike/Buffy, PG13)
Title So Rudely Interrupted
Author brutti ma buoni
Rating PG13
Words 6000
Setting post-series
A/N Also contains London, Dawn, Giles, a Bad Dragon, rogue Team Angel and a bleakish AU post-Chosen and NFA. Thank you to my flist who voted for a significant proportion of these elements to appear, and apologies as always to quinara for what happens to the dragon.
Genre reunion
The Best of All Possible Worlds (Spike/Buffy, R)
Title The Best of All Possible Worlds
Author Brutti ma buoni
Rating R
Words 3500
Setting the not so good old days. Despite first appearances, very much not an all-human AU.
A/N Blame Gill for how this turned porny. I was going for a romp, mostly, before she nudged me a bit. Anyway. I’m not sure it was ever going to make much sense.
Died Thrice (One Up On You, Love)
Title Died Thrice (One Up On You, Love)
Author Brutti ma buoni
Pairing Spike/Buffy
Rating R, I suppose. Very weak R.
Words 1250
Setting AU post NFA
Prompt This is for Seasonal Spuffy’s free for all day and also inspired by this week’s prompts which are stills from James and Sarah’s other films. But I picked a different one, from The Air I Breathe Continue Reading
Promises to Keep (Miles to Go Before)
Just one fic from me today, but I hope you enjoy it!
Title Promises to Keep (Miles to Go Before…)
Author Brutti ma buoni
Rating PG13
Words 3500
Setting An AU post-Chosen (very AU for AtS season 5)
Genre Road Trip
Ver Sacrum (Spike/Buffy, PG13)
Title Ver Sacrum
Author Brutti ma buoni
Rating PG13
Words 4100
Setting Post-series: quite soon after Not Fade Away, Buffy has a visitor
Genre Adventure/quest
A/N Inspired by, among other things, three photos from the writerconuk photostream (two of them are mine, but the third is courtesy of curiouswombat), and my recentish trip to Vienna, where the Secession artists took Ver Sacrum as their motto.
The original photos are The Dark Tree, The Steps to the Sea, and the Ballroom of Ghosts. The very minor art is my own.
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Brutti’s pick your own adventure day (7/7: The One With The Porn)
Author Brutti ma buoni
Title Pick Your Own Adventure 7/7: The One Which Is Pure PWP
Rating and warnings NC17
Word count 700
Medium Fic
Setting Post-series, possibly Rulesverse
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Brutti’s pick your own adventure day (6/7: The One With The Post-Apocalyptic Schmoop)
Author Brutti ma buoni
Title Pick Your Own Adventure 6/7: The One With The Apocalypse and the Schmoopy Household Chores
Rating and warnings PG13, mild sexiness, implied minor character death, possibly prior major character death depending on interpretation
Word count 515
Medium Fic
Setting Post-series
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Brutti’s pick your own adventure day (5/7: The One With The Discworld Crossover)
Author Brutti ma buoni
Title Pick Your Own Adventure 5/7: The One With The Crossover
Rating and warnings PG
Word count 515
Medium Fic
Setting Post-series, Ankh-Morpork, a sequel to Attraction of Opposites by me at AO3, about six months later from Buffy’s POV, though Spike doesn’t know it here
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Brutti’s pick your own adventure day (4/7: The One With The Books)
Author Brutti ma buoni
Title Pick Your Own Adventure 4/7: The One With The Books
Rating and warnings PG
Word count 520
Medium Fic
Setting Season 7
A/N Inspired inadvertently by antennapedia talking about library-based fic. Which this isn’t. But still.
Brutti’s pick your own adventure day (3/7: The One With The Wings… in Pylea)
Author Brutti ma buoni
Title Pick Your Own Adventure 3/7: The One With The Wings (in Pylea)
Rating and warnings PG
Word count 390
Medium Fic
Setting Post-series, Rulesverse. A sequel to my Faith/Giles wingfic Learn To Fly, and its sequels, in which Slayer powers manifest as wings in Pylea
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Brutti’s pick your own adventure day (2/7: The One With The Time Travel)
Author Brutti ma buoni
Title Pick Your Own Adventure 2/7: The One With The Time Travel
Rating and warnings PG
Word count 520
Medium Fic
Setting Sometime mid season 5, after FFL, before Crush (and also London, 1665)
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Brutti’s pick your own adventure day (1/7: The One With The Dragon)
I asked my flist what they wanted to read (pretty much as I did for last Seasonal Spuffy), but between us we didn’t come up with one thing I wanted to write. So I didn’t. I wrote seven. They span from season 5 time travel to simple pr0n, Pylea wing-fic to post-Apocalyptic schmoop. One of them not your thing? There’ll be another one along soon. And they’re short.
These are fragments of stories. They could grow, if you’d like to write more with this as a starting point (I’m thinking something like sb_fag_ends‘ Prompt Tag. Totally happy for anyone to take up the challenge, so long as you link back to here and let me know what you’ve written!). Or you can feed me comments or ideas, and we’ll see if some more of one of these gets written by me in time for Free For All. It’s an adventure!
If you’d prefer to read them all and treat them as a whole, they could all be vignettes from the life of Rulesverse Spuffy (since the Pylea fic is definitely Rulesverse, and the PWP probably is too), but I didn’t write them as such. It’s more like a pot pourri of Spuffy possibilities. Pick and mix at will, and enjoy!
Author Brutti ma buoni
Title Pick Your Own Adventure 1/7: The One With The Dragon
Rating and warnings PG
Word count 610
Medium Fic
Setting Post-series
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Fic: To Cancel Half a Line (PG13) (2/2)
The concluding part of today’s story! Part 1 is here.
Title To Cancel Half a Line
Author Brutti ma buoni
Medium Fiction
Rating PG13 (there’s some filthy Spike-ish language, no other content of concern)
Characters/Pairing Spike and Buffy, with hints of Spike/Buffy, with appearances from Giles, Willow, Faith and Xander
Setting post-Becoming AU
Words 7400
Summary After the Apocalypse, Spike thinks about how things could have gone differently.
Fic: To Cancel Half a Line (PG13) (1/2)
I have one story for you today. It’s a little… odd. Blame my flist, who when polled decided they wanted season 2, season 4, dragons, time travel and an apocalypse. Voila! *waves hands*
Title To Cancel Half a Line
Author Brutti ma buoni
Medium Fiction
Rating PG13 (there’s some filthy Spike-ish language, no other content of concern)
Characters/Pairing Spike and Buffy, with hints of Spike/Buffy, with appearances from Giles, Willow, Faith and Xander
Setting post-Becoming AU
Words 7400
Summary After the Apocalypse, Spike thinks about how things could have gone differently.
Genres Adventure, post-Apocalypse, Time Travel, AU, Pre-romance, perilously close to Gen
A/N I’d like to thank my valued collaborators, Omar Khayyám and Edward FitzGerald, for contributing the title. (Even if they were wrong about it.)
Fic: Draw Back the Curtain (PG13)
I’ve been trying to post for two hours now – I hope someone can read this! And, even better, comment!! Just the one fic for you today, but that’s probably a good thing as I think I’d bust a lung trying to post more…
Author Brutti ma buoni
Title Draw Back the Curtain
Pairing Spike/Buffy, of course
Rating PG13
Word Count 4000
Genre Adventure/Mission
A/N: this story is set in the Rulesverse, a post-Chosen AU. The Rulesverse is huge, but this story takes place right at the start so there’s nothing to daunt you about the setting. It follows on pretty closely from my previous seasonal_spuffy entry Crossing. It’s September 2004, Spike and Buffy are reunited, living in Scotland and working with the Slayer Council.
Fic: Can’t Help But (1/1), Spike/Buffy, R
Author Brutti ma buoni
Title Can’t Help But
Pairing Spike/Buffy
Rating PG, but a little angsty
Words 1600
Prompt for my posting day at Seasonal Spuffy, with a kind of nod to the theme of this season, though it’s not so much a case of ‘madness’ as ‘in need of some support and time to talk’.
A/N This is not an all-human AU. But only one of those in the dialogue knows that.
Fic: Crossing
Title Crossing
Author Brutti ma Buoni
Word count 1700
Rating Mild R
A/N: Just one short offering for my day; ah well. I write a post-Chosen AU called the Rulesverse, which is mainly a Faith/Giles world. But Spuffy has turned up in that world, far into the future. I’ve never written how they reconnected post Chosen – till now. You don’t need any Rulesverse background info to get this story, though I hope you’ll be inspired to come and read more!
Fic: This Side of Forever
Hi everyone! Just one offering for you this season, but I hope you enjoy – and now I get to relax and go appreciate everyone else’s contributions!
Title: This Side of Forever
Author: Brutti_ma_buoni
Rating: PG13
Summary: a pocket dimension with no one to fight. Surely not the perfect place for a Spuffy reunion?
A/N: The idea for this fic was originally sparked by a banner made by amyxaphania for the good__evil artathon, which I didn’t have time to tackle during the artathon itself. But she kindly allowed me to use it belatedly as inspiration for this fic. Discussions with rahirah about pocket dimensions planted a little of the mechanics of this in my brain, but this dimension has nothing to do with hers. The full banner is at the end of the fic, but here’s a little taster: