Title: The Space Between
Summary: Buffy spends her days at Sunnydale High working up the nerve to venture down below.
Timeline: Post-Same Time Same Place
Warning: Discussion of the afterlife.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~1900
Author’s Note: Thanks to ladyofthelog and snickfic for keeping our community going. ♥ Dedicated to nvrbnkisst whose video “Everything Will Break” inspired me to work past my writer’s block. You should go watch it.
creator: angearia
Fic: Fin Amour (6/6)
Title: Fin Amour
Author: angearia
Summary: The monks’ spell to create the Key goes wonky.
Timeline: Season 5 AU
Rating: R for (highlight to view) language, graphic violence and character death.
Word Count: ~14,000
Author’s Note: The beginning dialogue in the prologue is lifted from the BtVS episode No Place Like Homeand one line borrowed from Spiral—all the rest is my own. The title is French for “courtly love” or, to be more accurate, a “fine love”. This story is my feminist spin on a chivalric epic. The concept for this story was inspired by discussion with flake_sake where the question was raised: how can a story express a great and abiding romantic love without the sexual expression of love? Fin Amour is my answer.
Thanks: To penny_lane_42 and ladyofthelog for the amazing beta work (banner also by ladyofthelog ). You ladies keep me sane and forever motivated—love, love, love. Thanks also to enigmaticblues for keeping this community alive. ♥
Chapter One – Chapter Two – Chapter Three – Chapter Four – Chapter Five
Fic: Fin Amour (5/6)
Author: angearia
Summary: The monks’ spell to create the Key goes wonky.
Timeline: Season 5 AU
Rating: R for (highlight to view) language, graphic violence and character death.
Word Count: ~14,000
Author’s Note: The beginning dialogue in the prologue is lifted from the BtVS episode No Place Like Homeand one line borrowed from Spiral—all the rest is my own. The title is French for “courtly love” or, to be more accurate, a “fine love”. This story is my feminist spin on a chivalric epic. The concept for this story was inspired by discussion with flake_sake where the question was raised: how can a story express a great and abiding romantic love without the sexual expression of love? Fin Amour is my answer.
Thanks: To penny_lane_42 and ladyofthelog for the amazing beta work (banner also by ladyofthelog ). You ladies keep me sane and forever motivated—love, love, love. Thanks also to enigmaticblues for keeping this community alive. ♥
Chapter One – Chapter Two – Chapter Three – Chapter Four
Fic: Fin Amour (4/6)
Title: Fin Amour
Author: angearia
Summary: The monks’ spell to create the Key goes wonky.
Timeline: Season 5 AU
Rating: R for (highlight to view) language, graphic violence and character death.
Word Count: ~14,000
Author’s Note: The beginning dialogue in the prologue is lifted from the BtVS episode No Place Like Homeand one line borrowed from Spiral—all the rest is my own. The title is French for “courtly love” or, to be more accurate, a “fine love”. This story is my feminist spin on a chivalric epic. The concept for this story was inspired by discussion with flake_sake where the question was raised: how can a story express a great and abiding romantic love without the sexual expression of love? Fin Amour is my answer.
Thanks: To penny_lane_42 and ladyofthelog for the amazing beta work (banner also by ladyofthelog ). You ladies keep me sane and forever motivated—love, love, love. Thanks also to enigmaticblues for keeping this community alive. ♥
Chapter One – Chapter Two – Chapter Three
Fic: Fin Amour (3/6)
Title: Fin Amour
Author: angearia
Summary: The monks’ spell to create the Key goes wonky.
Timeline: Season 5 AU
Rating: R for (highlight to view) language, graphic violence and character death.
Word Count: ~14,000
Author’s Note: The beginning dialogue in the prologue is lifted from the BtVS episode No Place Like Homeand one line borrowed from Spiral—all the rest is my own. The title is French for “courtly love” or, to be more accurate, a “fine love”. This story is my feminist spin on a chivalric epic. The concept for this story was inspired by discussion with flake_sake where the question was raised: how can a story express a great and abiding romantic love without the sexual expression of love? Fin Amour is my answer.
Thanks: To penny_lane_42 and ladyofthelog for the amazing beta work (banner also by ladyofthelog ). You ladies keep me sane and forever motivated—love, love, love. Thanks also to enigmaticblues for keeping this community alive. ♥
Fic: Fin Amour (2/6)
Title: Fin Amour
Author: angearia
Summary: The monks’ spell to create the Key goes wonky.
Timeline: Season 5 AU
Rating: R for (highlight to view) language, graphic violence and character death.
Word Count: ~14,000
Author’s Note: The beginning dialogue in the prologue is lifted from the BtVS episode No Place Like Homeand one line borrowed from Spiral—all the rest is my own. The title is French for “courtly love” or, to be more accurate, a “fine love”. This story is my feminist spin on a chivalric epic. The concept for this story was inspired by discussion with flake_sake where the question was raised: how can a story express a great and abiding romantic love without the sexual expression of love? Fin Amour is my answer.
Thanks: To penny_lane_42 and ladyofthelog for the amazing beta work (banner also by ladyofthelog ). You ladies keep me sane and forever motivated—love, love, love. Thanks also to enigmaticblues for keeping this community alive. ♥
Fic: Fin Amour (1/6)
This story is complete and all six parts will be posted today. Yay for the free-for-all!
Title: Fin Amour
Author: angearia
Summary: The monks’ spell to create the Key goes wonky.
Timeline: Season 5 AU
Rating: R for (highlight to view) language, graphic violence and character death.
Word Count: ~14,000
Author’s Note: The beginning dialogue in the prologue is lifted from the BtVS episode No Place Like Homeand one line borrowed from Spiral—all the rest is my own. The title is French for “courtly love” or, to be more accurate, a “fine love”. This story is my feminist spin on a chivalric epic. The concept for this story was inspired by discussion with flake_sake where the question was raised: how can a story express a great and abiding romantic love without the sexual expression of love? Fin Amour is my answer.
Thanks: To penny_lane_42 and ladyofthelog for the amazing beta work (banner also by ladyofthelog ). You ladies keep me sane and forever motivated—love, love, love. Thanks also to enigmaticblues for keeping this community alive. ♥
FIC: His Girls
Title: His Girls
Author: angearia
Summary: In the happier times, there are no stages to be worked through – there’s only Life.
Warnings: Extreme schmoop lies within. The baby’s only gotten cuter, so be forewarned.
Rating: PG
Timeline: Post-Not Fade Away. Sequel to “To Be Born Again”
Word Count: 500
Author’s Note: Why yes, the babyfic has run away with me! I’m sure it’s just a phase. There’s only so much schmoop I can take before I melt into a puddle of goo and fade away. Lovely banner is by the talented moscow_watcher
FIC: To Be Born Again
Title: To Be Born Again
Author: angearia
Summary: Buffy has been brought back from the dead twice already, but the third time’s the charm.
Timeline: Post-Not Fade Away.
Warnings: None.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Author’s Note: First off, thank you to enigmaticblues for keeping this amazing community going! I have a confession – I was this close to not posting something today. This close! I have two other stories I’d worked on and then discarded in the past month. *shakes fist at WIPs* Then some scans of Sarah Michelle Gellar in People Magazine inspired me last night and voila! I hope you enjoy my humble offering (it truly is ever so humble in light of all the grand fic plans I’d had and hope to still write). This is unbeta’d so all mistakes are mine.
FIC: Sad Song in His Heart
Title: Sad Song in His Heart – Chapter 3/3
Author: Angearia
Pairing/Characters: Spike/Buffy, Harmony, OC
Summary: What was Spike really thinking and feeling when he met up with Harmony in the bar at the end of Harm’s Way? And why is it about to get him in a serious amount of trouble?
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Blood.
Spoilers: Spoilers for Harm’s Way and the Season 8 retcon of The Girl in Question
Disclaimer: I don’t own them. Just playing.
Word Count: 2310
FIC: Sad Song in His Heart
Title: Sad Song in His Heart – Chapter 2/3
Author: Angearia
Pairing/Characters: Spike/Buffy, Harmony, OC
Summary: What was Spike really thinking and feeling when he met up with Harmony in the bar at the end of Harm’s Way? And why is it about to get him in a serious amount of trouble?
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: This is a WIP. The other chapter is being beta’d and I hope to have it posted later on today.
Spoilers: Spoilers for Harm’s Way and the Season 8 retcon of The Girl in Question
Disclaimer: I don’t own them. Just playing.
Word Count: 2003
FIC: Sad Song in His Heart
Title: Sad Song in His Heart – Chapter 1/3
Author: Angearia
Pairing/Characters: Spike/Buffy, Harmony, OC
Summary: What was Spike really thinking and feeling when he met up with Harmony in the bar at the end of Harm’s Way? And why is it about to get him in a serious amount of trouble?
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: This is a WIP. The other two chapters are being beta’d and I hope to have them posted later on today.
Spoilers: Spoilers for Harm’s Way and the Season 8 retcon of The Girl in Question
Disclaimer: I don’t own them. Just playing.
Word Count: 1974 Continue Reading
Fire Back
Another poem, this time with a bit more angsty substance.
Spike: Great love is wild and passionate and dangerous. It burns and consumes.
Buffy: Until there’s nothing left. Love like that doesn’t last.
– Seeing Red
A little poem to get started…
It’s my day! Finally!
First a very well-deserved thank you to enigmaticblues for organizing this event. This is my first time posting here and I’m excited to participate. Ye gods, it felt like forever waiting for the opportunity to share some of these pieces. It was incredibly hard (TWSS = That’s what Spike said) as my first reaction is to post them right away. *is feedback whore*
Without further ado, for my opening act I present this little Spuffy poem in the style reminiscent of kindergarteners the world over!