Title: A Christmas Wish
Author: all_choseny
Era/season/setting: Post-Chosen
Rating: PG-13
Note: This fic was written for sandy_s for the Elysian Fields 2020 Secret Santa Challenge. It was just my luck that I decided to post it on the same day as Seasonal Spuffy’s Winter Soltice Free for All day! This story has been cross-posted to Elysian Fields, AO3, and my journal.
Note 2: This story was inspired by The Family Man, starring Nick Cage
creator: all_choseny
Spuffy Graphics
Title: Spuffy Graphics
Creator: all_choseny
Form: Other Art
Rating: Safe for Work
Note: Some of these are big, so I am posting thumbnails you can click on to see the full size :)
Two All Souls Day Banners