Title: Armor Thin
Author: aerintine
Era: Post-NFA
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Crossover with AtS
Word Count (this part): ~5000
Betas: My heartfelt thanks to these folks. dampersnspoons , whose excellent ideas, enthusiastic support, and patient guidance are the reasons I can do this at all. This story would not exist (or be readable) without her. lostboy_lj , who daily holds up the firmament with his kindness, wit and insight. anythingbutgrey , who graciously lent me her giant brain for this first part to ensure Angel got done right. She gets an extra special thank you, since she agreed to beta despite being as far from a Spuffy as a fan can get. Thank you, Elyssa.
Summary: Some important battles are fought with weapons, and some aren’t. Some we can see and others blind us. Some even involve marbles. All of them lead us away from home and back again, one way or another.
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