Fic – Calm the Waters (Chapter 2)

Author: Abelina (Abby)
Title:  Calm the Waters
Summary:  It must be spring, because there’s an apocalypse brewing.  Spike and Buffy go on a mission to find the final artifact needed for the ritual to end the world, so they can destroy it before it’s too late, only things go a little bit awry.
Season Five, sometime after Intervention but before Tough Love, in a bit of an alternate reality.
Will be NC-17 (eventually).
Notes: This is the second chapter of the fic I started for the last round of Seasonal Spuffy.  Chapter One is here, and was posted so long ago it’s probably best to read it again even if you remember seeing it the first time around.  I didn’t think I’d even have anything for this round, so I’m pleased to be posting this with about 50 minutes left on my posting day.  Unbeta’d, so if you spy an error, please let me know so that I might fix it.

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Fic: Calm the Waters ~ Chapter 1/?

Author: abelina (Abby)
 Calm the Waters
1: Always the Gentleman
Word Count:
It must be spring, because there’s an apocalypse brewing.  Spike and Buffy go on a mission to find the final artifact needed for the ritual to end the world, so they can destroy it before it’s too late, only things go a little bit awry.
Setting: Season Five, sometime after Intervention but before Tough Love, in a bit of an alternate reality.
Rating: NC-17, eventually
Written for seasonal_spuffy, fall 2010 round.  Sorry, I had hoped to have more of this done but life doesn’t like me right now.  Just one chapter today, possibly two if I can get my crap together, with the rest to be concluded on my journal.  Self-beta’d, so if you see any errors please let me know so I can fix them.

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Fic ~ Hearts Distant (PG-13)

Author: Abelina (Abby)
Title: Hearts Distant
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Exactly one bad word.
Summary: Turbulence and hate, tenderness, love and loss…and maybe something more. A look inside Buffy and Spike’s heads as they ponder the ever-changing nature of them.
Disclaimer: I don’t own ‘em. I’m just borrowing them for a while. Not for profit and no copyright infringement intended.
Beta: alwaysjbj – thanks bunches!
Banner: Also alwaysjbj !  Thanks, darling.  It’s beautiful!

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