Part One

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Untitled fic by Megan

I’m really excited to be contributing to this community again.

This fic was originally written for nikilicious05 Unfortunately I hadn’t finished the final chapter before she left us and I’m a cranky at myself for not getting it done.   The working title in my mind has always been ‘Nikki’s Story’ and I am struggling to think of an appropriate title now that its going to be shared with everyone, so I am open to suggestion.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy.  Thank you to everyone for supporting this community and thank you to enigmaticblue for keeping it alive!

Fic title:
Rating: PG
Summary: Set during Intervention. When Buffy becomes lost in the desert, Giles must find an unlikely hero to save her.  Fresh from being pummelled by Glory, Spike finds that Buffy isn’t the only one searching for answers and embarks on his own spiritual journey.  But can he find her in time?

Betas: Many thanks as always to the incomparable Holly, and enthusiastic hugs of welcome to my new beta, dawnofme.  Between the two of you, you’ve beaten me well into shape!

Disclaimer: All characters belong to Joss Whedon.  I claim no financial reward from trying to emulate him.

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