I’m ashamed to admit I won’t get this story finished by the end of today. This bugs me to the point that I’m having classic anxiety dreams about not finishing homework and term papers and failing classes, but I’ve realized the story had more potential than I originally thought and I don’t want to post when I know I can do better than the crap that comprises the middle section of the fic right now. I’ll have two chapters done by the end of today and will post the rest on my LJ as I finish it.
Title: The Trouble with Harriet
Rating: PG
Warnings: WIP
Disclaimer: All series characters and good stuff belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc. I am responsible for some original characters (although I stole names from Hitchcock) as well as the lame dialogue and most of the plot. The idea, of course, is stolen from the classic movie, The Trouble with Harry.
Summary: Buffy really needs a vacation, so when the chance arrives, she takes it, even though with a wandering corpse on the loose it’s almost, but not quite, a busman’s holiday. This is set in my cheerful, AU version of Season 6 where everyone sort of gets along and Spike and Buffy are a couple.
Thanks: to keswindhover and revdorothyl for beta and to enigmaticblues for maintaining the comm.