Fic: Tekubi, Chapter 1

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series Tekubi

Hi! I’m caia, I’ll be your co-host here today on seasonal_spuffy, along with the talented annapurna_2.

My main offering will be the first couple chapters of a longer fic I conceived of back in the fall of 2003 based on spoilers for the AtS S5 episode “Damage”. Among the differences from canon, Spike’s hands are removed at the wrists, and he doesn’t immediately get them back. Don’t worry, though, there will be plenty of silliness and schmoop as well as angst.

Those allergic to WIPs may like to peruse my completed fiction.

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Fic: Tekubi, Chapter 2

This entry is part 2 of 6 in the series Tekubi

Thank you, everyone, for your lovely comments on my previous posts. I’ll reply to them all when I’m done posting for the day.

If you missed it, in the wee hours this morning I posted Tekubi, Chapter 1, where you can find things like disclaimers and ratings and what the hell is going on here. And now…

Tekubi, Chapter 2
By: caia
Feedback: yes, please.
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Fic: Tekubi, Chapter 3

This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series Tekubi

Thanks again to rabid1st  for the lightning-fast beta on this part. I’m still uncertain about parts of this chapter, but I figured you’d rather have two more chapters today than not.

Previously: Tekubi, Chapter 1 | Chapter 2.

Tekubi, Chapter 3
By: caia
Feedback: Absolutely. Including constructive criticism, should you have any.

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Fic: Tekubi, Chapter 4

This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series Tekubi

This will be my last post of the day. (I did tell you this was a WIP.) Thank you everyone for being so supportive and enthusiastic about my work. Special thanks to itmustbetuesday for creating this comm. It was the pressure of having a posting day to fill that finally got me back to working on this long-simmering story.

Now I’m going to kick back, answer comments if I have any coherence left, and indulge in some S2 Spuffy from my buddy in postage, the resplendent annapurna_2. All future chapters of Tekubi will be posted to my journal. Fair warning, a chapter a week is my goal. I work slowly. If you’d like to keep up with this fic but don’t want to scroll past my political or gratuitous real life posts to do so, or would rather wait until it’s finished, you can watch Tekubi in my memories.

Oh, and if anyone was curious: tekubi is Japanese for wrist, or literally, the hand’s neck.

Previously: Tekubi, Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3.

Tekubi, Chapter 4
By: caia
Feedback: Now more than ever. /movie announcer voice
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Fic: Tekubi, Chapter 5

This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series Tekubi

Hi, all! My sole contribution today is a continuation of my WIP from the last Season, Tekubi. It is a double-sized (for me) chapter. Expect schmoop, angst, humor, and the occasional pirate suit.

If you’re new to the story, or want to reread, find the previous chapters here: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4.


Tekubi, Chapter 5
By: caia
Beta: Rabid1st
Rating: R for now. May stray into NC-17 territory later due to subject matter, but those hoping for pr0n are likely to be disappointed.

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Fic: Tekubi, Chapter 8

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series Tekubi

Hey there! For my day I bring you more of a story in the running for World’s Slowest WIP: Tekubi. But! It is once again in progress; chapter 9 is with the betas.

If you’re new to the story, or want to reread, you can find all chapters here; start at the beginning: Tekubi, Chapter 1; or refresh your memory with Chapter 7.

If just you’d like to be reminded what was happening, here’s the “Previously on…”

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