Title: Something Special
Story Artist: Eyesthatslay
Author: Sandy S.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: We own nothing. Joss owns all.
Summary: Buffy sets out to help Spike feel like he means something to her for their anniversary. Set in an AU universe after season 5 of AtS.
Word Count: 7773 (not including this voluminous intro)
Pictures: 6
Author’s Dedication: For eyesthatslay and musing_mia for always being so kind to me and for zarrah04, _sin_attract, inxsomniax, aimeedee, jenniepennie, velvetwhip, amoonchilde, and ghostgirl13 just because. Special thanks to eyesthatslay for coming up the magnificent title and for so beautifully illustrating the story. Collaborating with you has been an amazing, unique, and fun experience!
Artist’s Dedication: For sandy_s, truly one of the kindest people I know, and a friend I will always treasure. For Natalie, my sister by choice. I’m so grateful for you. For amoonchilde and musing_mia, my two earliest fandom friends, that I’ve been blessed to call real life friends for many years now. And for my wonderful Mom, who is more amazing than I can say.
Author’s Note: This project was created for the LJ community, Seasonal Spuffy, for the theme As Time Goes By. It’s also the 20th anniversary of BtVS, so an anniversary tale…. :o) Thank you to eyesthatslay, petzipellepingo, rebcake, tx_cronopio, gillo, kazzy_cee, trepkos, fangfaceandrea, facingthesun, shapinglight, amoonchilde, and slaymesoftly who helped me with little details, such as what Giles might drink after dinner, little Spuffy moments, and location ideas. While I didn’t use all of them here, I appreciate the discussion… made the fic writing more fun and interactive and made my little corner of fandom feel warm and cozy again… like coming home.
Something Special (2/6)
Art by eyesthatslay
Something Special (3/6)
Art by eyesthatslay
Something Special (4/6)
Art by eyesthatslay
Something Special (5/6)
Art by eyesthatslay
Something Special (6/6)
Art by eyesthatslay