Title: Something (1/4)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: What if Spike hadn’t died in “Chosen”? How would their relationship have reached its natural conclusion/consummation? 5300 words.
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine, I am making no money, etc.
Author’s Note: There are four chapters to this story, and all will be posted today. Thank you to ladyofthelog and snickfic for taking over the community and keeping it running smoothly!
Fic: Something (2/4)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: What if Spike hadn’t died in “Chosen”? How would their relationship have reached its natural conclusion/consummation? 7500 words.
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine, I am making no money, etc.
Author’s Note: Sorry for how long it took to post this part! I had a midday commitment that went a lot longer than I expected. Thank you everyone who’s read and commented so far!
Fic: Something (3/4)
Title: Something (3/4)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: What if Spike hadn’t died in “Chosen”? How would their relationship have reached its natural conclusion/consummation? 7000 words.
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine, I am making no money, etc.
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Fic: Something (4/4)
Title: Something (4/4)
Rating: R
Summary: What if Spike hadn’t died in “Chosen”? How would their relationship have reached its natural conclusion/consummation? 4000 words.
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine, I am making no money, etc.
Author’s Note: I started this fic a very long time ago during the last week of August, and I have been so happy to finally be able to share it today. Thank you so much everyone who’s read and commented. And thank you again to the mods and to all the contributors/readers who make this community so awesome!
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