Fic -Home Is Where They Have To Take You In

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Home Is Where They Have To Take You In

Okay, it’s open posting day and I’m following rahirah – not my favorite thing to do. Try to avoid comparisons, okay? LOL

This is a future fic that totally ignores the comics, so no issues there (except for people who want to take the comics as canon for post show stuff, in which case, just think of it as an AU fic) I’m going to post the first couple of chapters here, then shift to a link to my journal. I’m six+ chapters in to what is probably going to be a fairly long story (just based on where it is right now). Oh the up side, the chapters are fairly long, so there won’t be as many of them as there could be if they were really short. Good for readers who want to get through the story quickly, not so good for those with short attention spans. *g* The fic was inspired by some art work that kudagirl put up some time ago. I asked her if I could use her picture for a fic and she said yes. This is the result.sult.

Title: Home Is Where They Have To Take You In
Author: Slaymesoftly
Rating: No idea right now. It’s barely PG ATM, but I suspect at some point it could get raunchier.
Summary: Buffy lives in London where she and Giles are running a Slayer/Watcher school. She has found an old house that used to belong to the Pratts and has used some “found” money to buy it and refurbish it to live in. A very weak and badly injured vampire, who claims to be harmless, hides in her garden and she, somewhat to her own surprise, doesn’t stake him right away.

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Fic -Home Is Where They Have To Take You In Chapter Two

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Home Is Where They Have To Take You In

I think this is the last chapter I’m going to put up on the community. In the interest of not clogging things up on open posting day, I’ll provide a link to my journal and all the rest of the chapters will be up on there. Probably take me a while though – it’s a beautiful day and I want to work outside, and I need to clean house, so…

Chapter Two

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Home Is Where They Have To Take You In – Chapter Three

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Home Is Where They Have To Take You In

The header is a lie. But here’s a link to the next chapter of Home Is Where They Have To Take You In. From this chapter on, the rest of the fic will be posted on my journal (or at DW). This is the last chapter being posted tonight, but I may have time to do another one tomorrow.

Chapter Three