“Habeas Corpses” by Peyton

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Habeas Corpses

Title: Habeas Corpses
Timeline: Post “Not Far Away”
Summary: What does the life of a slayer look like from the outside looking in? What if the people looking are scared?
NB: This will be seven parts all of which are not finished. The muse has been ornery and I haven’t had a chance to have this beta’d. I have great hopes of being able to finish this today but if not the entire story will appear in a beta’d form on my livejournal in the near future. Thank you to my betas even if I haven’t had a chance to use you yet. Each of the seven parts of this story was written to the song mentioned at the beginning of the section. Thank you to enigmaticblues for the idea. Thank you also goes to elinora for sharing the day with me

Where am I?

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Habeas Corpses, 4 (of 7) by Peyton

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Habeas Corpses

There’s two, maybe three chapters after this one and they will be posted over ladypeyton the next few days at since I felt I was rushing the story too much. I almost posted at 8:00 but realized I really needed to rewrite the whole chapter and take more time with fleshing it out. I was tempted to gloss over too many fine points. The plot is defintiely firm. The story will definitely be finished shortly but just not here and not now.


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