My very first seasonal_spuffy.
I’m overwhelmed. Or possibly just tired. It is just after 3 am here. But I’ve stayed up late in order to post the first chapter of what is promising to be another epic length KnifeEdge fic. There’s something about writing Spuffy that makes me think epically huge. I’ll have a few more chapters for you throughout the day, today. At least four. Five if I get lucky.
Thanks to the mods for putting this all together, and to all of YOU for welcoming me with such open arms this past year. Super special thanks to my betas for all the time and effort and craziness from me that you’ve put up with.
So, now, without further ado, I give you “DUST”.
Author: knifeedgefic
Era/Season: Season 4 (post “Harsh Light of Day” and “Fear, Itself” but before “Beer Bad”)
Rating: Mature/NC-17 (strong language, sexual situations, adult content)
Genre: other?
Betaed by: goblin_dae, yakimama, and subtilior
Summary: She’d kicked his butt, taken the Gem and sent it off to Angel. Buffy thought she’d seen the last of Spike. Clearly, she’d been too optimistic. That he was in her house, in her room, waking her out of a sound sleep and asking for (okay, demanding) her help meant that something had to be majorly wrong. They weren’t due for another apocalypse, but… why else would a vampire make a truce with the Slayer?
Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all recognizable characters, locations, and dialogue belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and the various writers. This is written purely for fun.