Title: Caution: Children at Play
Author: Waddiwasiwitch
Era: Season Five
Rating: PG13
Genre: Kid fic
Summary: Spike and Buffy have been turned into kid. The Scoobies have to figure out how to solve the mystery without them, while Buffy and Spike are stuck spending lots of time together much to her chagrin. This basically is a bit of fluff and hopefully will provide a few laughs. The story has ten chapters, but I will only be posting five today. If you like you can read the rest on mylivejournal because unfortunately I didn’t get around to finishing the whole thing on time.
AN: I would like to dedicate this to the wonderful Ginar369, who provided a beta, and the talented Ladyaisha, who was my sounding board and conspirator. Any mistakes are my own.
Disclaimer: How I wished I actually owned Buffy and Spike.