It’s my day! Am I the last in this round? *looks around furtively* Whoa! Anyway, without further wasteful babbling, here is my submission for this round. It’s quite a few chapters, so it’ll probably take me a good bit of the day to get it all up, but I promise (just for you, EB) that it is complete and I will have it all posted before the day is over. Behind the cut you will find –
Title: Always Wait For You
Author: Slaymesoftly
Rating: PG13
Medium: Fanfic
Title: Always Wait For You (completed11/3/07)
Author: Slaymesoftly
Rating: PG13 or mild R
Word Count: 44,2000 + or –
Beta: My wonderful, Always_jbj (who also is responsible for the lovely banner)
Disclaimer: Characters and world by Joss Whedon; no copyright infringement intended and no profit made by anyone.
Summary: Following the theme of “new beginnings”, we pick up ten years after the events of NFA with Buffy in a familiar setting – a graveyard. Things have changed a lot since Sunnydale, but some of them are about to become familiar again…