Post 4/4

Thank you to itmustbetuesday  for organizing this parade of Spuffy love. Also, a big thank you to all of you who have posted in this round, your work has been an inspiration…

Yup, an Spuffy mood theme. It took me ages to make it but I really love it. A special thank you to for her feedback and encouragement.


anxious bouncy curious drained full
high melancholy recumbent tired worried

Full preview here

Download here

How to use the moodtheme.

For paid accounts

1. Download the .zip file.
2. Unzip the file and proceed to upload the images to your server.
3. Open the moodthemeset.txt file and find/replace the with the url where you uploaded the images.
4. Go to Livejournal’s command console and type moodtheme_create “red_sunflower spuffy moodtheme” “Spuffy moodtheme” in the box, then click execute. Copy/write down the moodtheme id number (very important!).
5. Go back to the moodthemeset.txt file and find/replace THEME_ID with the moodtheme id number of step 4.
6. Copy the whole text and paste it in the console box, click execute. For each image you uploaded you’ll get a line saying that you’ve been successful.
7. To verify that your mood theme was correctly created type where moodtheme_id is the id number of step 4. If it shows up it worked out just fine. :)
8. Return to Modify Journal and scroll down in the Select mood icon set box till you you find “red_sunflower spuffy moodtheme”, select it and you’re done!

For free accounts, follow the first three steps then read this tutorial to use it.

Caps from screencap paradise and myself. Additional dailies caps by .

[x] If you’re downloading please comment so I can keep track of my bandwidth.
[x] If you use it, please, credit me in the user info. Is all I ask.
[x] Don’t hotlink from the full preview images. :)


Originally posted at

