Title: Spike & Buffy
Author: comlodge
Charachters: Spike & Buffy
Medium: Artwork
Genre: High Romance
Rating: PG
Prompt: seasonal_spuffy
Disclaimer: I play for fun.
Summary: So basically I’ve been able to work my Spuffy heart a lot this past week or three. The problem with Spuffy art, is that Joss was mean and gave us so little ‘couple’ time with these guys – even in promo shots. So one is restricted to either heads and caps from SB or S6 or Buffy bot and, nothing wrong with that, but we have to go rip off other peoples’ bodies to get in some good cuddling time. I’ve done a bit of both in my attempt to give my fave couple just a little romance.
All totally work safe. As always, I’m happy for anyone to use anything that takes your fancy.
So, I started with a simple one and used a time honoured phrase that i think fits them both well.
Click image for larger version.
And then I dumped that less then suitable suiter and made a pretty.
Click for larger image
And then I got quite enthusiastic for another nice couply shot and oops, same replacement.
Click image for larger version.
Originally posted at http://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/490394.html