title: A Trip Down Memory Lane
creator: Double Dutchess
era/season: all seasons, incl. comics
rating: G
format: slide show
More than a decade after they first met, Buffy and Spike are getting married! They present a sanitized version of their love story to their newer acquaintances, to prepare them for the wedding.
You can view and download the slides here:
PDF document (best downloaded and viewed in full screen!)
Credits are in the last slide.
Some unrelated notes:
(1) I have been too busy to keep up with this round of Seasonal Spuffy until now, but I will get on it now that my part is done!
(2) Due to my image hosting site unexpectedly closing down, my art for previous rounds is no longer visible. I will try to fix some of the links, but it will take a long time and I’m not going to manage to fix all of them (especially icons). Sorry about that!
Originally posted at: https://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/763258.html