Fic: And Fear Finds Nothing Left to Mend, Part III (Conclusion)

And Fear Finds Nothing Left to Mend
By Barb C.

Rating: T
Setting: Post-Gift AU (Barbverse)
Pairing: Buffy/Spike
Synopsis: Knowing that the Slayer has hard decisions to make is one thing. Being the subject of one is quite another.
Author’s notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It is the first story in the arc which continues in “To Lie Down With Wolves,” “Every Silver Lining Has A Touch of Gray,”, “Let Your Hearts Be Light,”, “Mea Culpa,” and “A Professional Consultation,” and concludes in “The Indefinite Article.” It’s pretty damn angsty, folks. The story includes some elements of Dark Horse comics canon, but I do very different things with them. Thanks to my incredible betas, Bewildered, slaymesoftly, trepkos, typographer, cornerofmadness, SzmattyCat, and Maevepagan. Any remaining errors are entirely my own.

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Fic: And Fear Finds Nothing Left to Mend, Part II (Buffy/Spike, T)

And Fear Finds Nothing Left to Mend, Part II
By Barb C.

Rating: T
Setting: Post-Gift AU (Barbverse)
Pairing: Buffy/Spike
Synopsis: Knowing that the Slayer has hard decisions to make is one thing. Being the subject of one is quite another.
Author’s notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It immediately precedes “To Lie Down With Wolves” and “Every Silver Lining Has A Touch of Gray,” and it’s pretty damn angsty, folks. The story includes some elements of Dark Horse comics canon, but I do very different things with them. Thanks to my incredible betas,   slaymesoftly, trepkos, typographer, and cornerofmadness  – any remaining errors are entirely my own.

Part I

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Fic: Somewhere Ages and Ages Hence, Buffy/Spike, G

Somewhere Ages and Ages Hence
By Barb C
Pairing: Buffy/Spike, and Buffy and Spike
Rating: G
Summary: It’s not so much a dark mirror as a tie-in novel series that’s gone way off the rails.
Notes: This story takes place in the same universe as A Raising In The Sun et al. It’s a many-years-later followup to In A Yellow Wood and is set a month or so prior to To Lie Down With Wolves. It also contains spoilers for Season 12 of the BtVS comics.

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Fic: The Personal Touch

The Personal Touch
By Barb C
Characters/Pairing: Buffy/Spike
Rating: Teen
Summary: It wasn’t the big dramatic confrontations that threw her for a loop, oh no. Buffy was prepared for those, and so was he. It was the little things that caught them both off-guard.
Notes: Barbverse. This story takes place in the same universe as A Raising In the Sun, Necessary Evils, and A Parliament of Monsters. It’s set during the summer between Necessary Evils and POM. Written for the Seasonal Spuffy Summer Solstice Free-For-All day. This story is not exactly fluff, but then, it’s not exactly not fluff, either.

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Fic: And Be One Traveller

And Be One Traveler
by Barb C.

Rating: PG
Pairing: B/S
Synopsis: Blossom reflects.
Author’s notes: A little something extra, since I wasn’t able to finish the other one. This story does NOT take place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters,” but in the infinitely stranger one of the BtVS comics, circa Season 10. However, it will make no sense whatsoever if you haven’t read “In A Yellow Wood,” which does take place in the aforementioned universe.

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Fic: And Fear Finds Nothing Left to Mend, Part I (Buffy/Spike, T)

And Fear Finds Nothing Left to Mend, Part I
By Barb C.

Rating: T
Setting: Post-Gift AU (Barbverse)
Pairing: Buffy/Spike
Synopsis: Knowing that the Slayer has hard decisions to make is one thing. Being the subject of one is quite another.
Author’s notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It immediately precedes “To Lie Down With Wolves” and “Every Silver Lining Has A Touch of Gray,” and it’s pretty damn angsty, folks. I’ll be posting the rest of it on my journal as I write it.

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Fic: Little Sister Part 11 (Conclusion), Buffy/Spike, T

Little Sister Part 11
By Barb C.
Disclaimers: The usual. All belongs to Joss and Mutant Enemy, and naught to me.
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: A young Slayer has a job to do.
Author’s notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It takes place approximately ten years earlier than “Twilight of the Gods.” Many thanks to betas slaymesoftly, typographer, kehf, rainkatt, deborahc, brutti_ma_buoni, and torrilin, and special thanks for last minute beta-ing to dhw!

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Fic: Little Sister, Part 10, Buffy/Spike, T

Little Sister, Part 10
By Barb C.
Disclaimers: The usual. All belongs to Joss and Mutant Enemy, and naught to me.
Rating: PG-13
Distribution: Ask and you shall receive, I’d just like to know where it ends up.
Synopsis: A young Slayer has a job to do.
Author’s notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” Many thanks to betas typographer, kehf, rainkatt, deborahc, brutti_ma_buoni, and special thanks for last minute beta-ing above and beyond the call of duty to torrilin & slaymesoftly!

Please note that due to my excessive procrastinating, Part 10 has only been partially beta’d, so all errors should be considered my own. I will eventually replace this version with the final one.

Previously in “Little Sister:”

Thirty years after Buffy Summers freed the demon essence that powers all Slayers from the Shadow Men, Addie McElroy is a young Slayer out of the San Diego creche. Believing that their mixed human and demon nature means that Slayers, like souled vampires, are doomed to Hell, Addie conceives a daring plan to save her sisters’ souls. That plan involves kidnaping the granddaughter of the infamous Buffy Summers herself, and it doesn’t go well – Addie is captured by Buffy and Spike, who contact her Watcher and make arrangements to return her to the Council.

Addie’s faith in what she knows about Slayers, vampires, and rogues is shaken by her encounter with Buffy and Spike’s daughter Vicki, while Buffy fears she’s inadvertently damned the Slayer line. But it’s not until Addie’s fellow Slayer Alicia arrives to rescue her, and Buffy discovers Alicia’s true heritage, that things really hit the fan…

Catch up on the previous parts at my website or at AO3 or jump right into

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Fic: A Parliament of Monsters, Chapter 13, Part 1

Hi All! I had hoped to have the entire chapter to post today, but I’ve been revising this right down to the wire, and the last few scenes are not quite ready for prime time yet. And the first half is where all the Spuffy action is anyway.

My thanks to my incredible beta readers, typographer, slaymesoftly, the_moonmoth, feliciacraft, and ApprenticeBard — there will be a couple more names on this list when the final version goes up, and I could not have done it without any of them. Any remaining infelicities of prose are entirely my own. With no further ado…

Previously in A Parliament of Monsters:

It’s been a year since Buffy and Spike closed the Hellmouth, but life hasn’t gotten any less exciting for Our Heroes as they try to take down a duo of vampire gang bosses. Kennedy arrives on a secret mission from the Watcher’s Council, just as Tara and Willow, who’s now a vampire with a soul, are having relationship problems. Riley Finn is back in town, looking for formerly-chipped demons, one of whom is now one of Spike’s minions. And the news from Los Angeles just keeps getting worse: Angel’s lost his soul again. Or has he? When Robin Wood, on his way to deliver a mysterious artifact to Buffy, turns up murdered, Spike’s the logical suspect, at least to Riley. But nothing is as it seems, and the now-missing Slayer artifact is only one piece in a larger and more dangerous puzzle than Buffy knows…

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Fic: A Chiming of Bells, Complete (Buffy/Spike, PG13)

A Chiming of Bells
By Barb C
Characters: Buffy/Spike
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Ever wondered what happened to that Harrier demon that Willow zapped in Necessary Evils? Well, until today, Spike never had, either…
Notes: The first half of this story was written for Noel_of_Spike 2010. It was completed for the 2013 fall round of Seasonal_Spuffy. It takes place in the Barbverse (a post-Gift AU) in late December of 2003, and employs certain elements of comics canon.

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Fic: What A Drag It Is, Buffy/Spike, NC17

OK, I’m a teensy bit early, but it’s past midnight somewhere, right?

What A Drag It Is
By Barb C
Characters/Pairing: Buffy/Spike, Willow
Rating: NC17
Summary: Buffy decides to spice things up for Spike’s birthday. Things get a little spicier than she bargained for.
Notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It contains spoilers for previous works in the series. Written for Seasonal Spuffy’s 2012 Fall Round. Many thanks to betas bruttimabuoni, slaymesoftly, typographer, and kehf, without whose invaluable help this story would be significantly less nifty. As an aside, it should be noted that The Vamp is a real thing, available at fine purveyors of erotic appliances everywhere.
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Fic: Little Sister, Chapter 9

Little Sister
By Barb C.
Disclaimers: The usual. All belongs to Joss and Mutant Enemy, and naught to me.
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: Thirty years ago, Buffy Summers made a deal with the demon entity which grants Slayers their power which changed the world, and the nature of Slayers, forever. Now a young Slayer believes she’s discovered that change came with a terrible price, one she’s determined to undo… and not even Buffy Summers is going to stop her!
Author’s notes: This story takes place in the same universe as Raising In the Sun, Necessary Evils, and A Parliament of Monsters. It takes place approximately ten years earlier than “Twilight of the Gods.” Many thanks to betas typographer, kehf, rainkatt, deborahc, brutti_ma_buoni & slaymesoftly! Thanks also to the Saesonal Spuffy mods for another great round. :)

Previous Parts

Part 9

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Fic: To Lie Down With Wolves, 1/?

To Lie Down With Wolves
By Barb C.

Disclaimers: The usual. All belongs to Joss and Mutant Enemy, and naught to me.
Rating: R-ish for violence
Pairing: B/S
Synopsis: Spike’s volunteered for an undercover mission at Wolfram & Hart, much to Buffy’s dismay, but he’s beginning to think he’s bitten off more than he can chew…
Author’s notes: Um, yeah, so I wanted to write a happy fluffy story this time, but that didn’t happen. *cringe* This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It’s a direct prequel to “Every Silver Lining Has A Touch of Gray.” I totally screwed up and had the idea that my posting date wasn’t until November 6th, so I haven’t come anywhere near finishing this. My apologies; I’ll be posting the rest here and at my journal as soon as it’s done. I’ve got the rest plotted out and it’s only 1/? because I’m not sure if I’ll need to break it into one or two parts. Don’t be surprised if this post is replaced by a revised version in a week or two!

My eternal gratitude to verity, slaymesoftly, typographer, readerjane, soundingsea, rebcake, downunderdeb, kehf, bruttimabuoni, and fenchurche, for beta duty above and beyond the call of duty on extremely short notice. I love you guys!

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Fic: In A Yellow Wood (Conclusion, pt 1)

This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series In A Yellow Wood

In A Yellow Wood
By Barb C.
Disclaimers: The usual. All belongs to Joss and Mutant Enemy, and naught to me.
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: When Warren Meers traps Buffy in an alternate dimension on his first assignment for Wolfram & Hart, she’s faced with the consequences of dozens of choices she’s made. Even if she escapes, can she be certain that her life’s followed the right path?
Author’s notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It takes place simultaneously with the story “The Lesser of Two Evils,” and contains spoilers for the series to date. Many thanks to betas deborahc, brutti_ma_buoni typographer, wildrider, slaymesoftly & readerjane. Additional thanks to harmonyfb and evil_little_dog for the loan of their Buffys.

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Fic: In A Yellow Wood

This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series In A Yellow Wood

Hi All! Later today I will be posting at least one more installment of “In A Yellow Wood,” a story I started for Seasonal Spuffy many years ago. Depending on how quickly I can finish the revisions, I may be posting the entire rest of the story. If that doesn’t prove feasible, I’ll post part of it today and the rest on the free posting day and/or on my journal later. (I do have a complete first draft, so no matter what, it won’t be too much longer before I can post the whole thing.)

In the meantime, since it’s been such a very long time since I began this story, I’m posting a link to the first part, which was posted in several previous rounds of Seasonal Spuffy and is now collected at my website and at AO3.

Hope you enjoy.

Fic: The Indefinite Article, S/B, NC-17

ETA: This story is now complete – I tried editing in the ending here, but that makes it too long for LJ’s post limits. The conclusion is available in my journal – link below. :)

(Note: This story isn’t quite finished – I am still working on the last part, and hope to have it completed by next week. I’ll be posting the conclusion in my journal when it’s ready. Sorry for the inconvenience!)

The Indefinite Article
By Barb C.
Disclaimers: The usual. All belongs to Joss and Mutant Enemy, and naught to me.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: I’m just sayin’, this isn’t one of my fluffier stories. Highlight for specifics: Violence directed at pregnant women and small children, suicidal behavior, sexual situations that go Very Wrong.
Synopsis: Spike gets a soul. What could possibly go wrong?
Author’s notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It takes place in March 2020 in the Barbverse timeline, and contains spoilers for previous stories in the series. Many thanks to betas deborahc, typographer, wildrider, brutti_ma_buoni, kehf, & slaymesoftly. Additional thanks to shadowkat67 for invaluable plotting advice.

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